About Juliana Park


I am on a mission…


to help people wake up, rise up, and claim their abundance from the inside out.

Embrace, Expand, and Enjoy Your Worth

Over the last 2 decades, I have learned how people relate to money.

No matter how much they earn or have accumulated, many feel an undercurrent of fear, shame, and anxiety when they talk about their personal finances.

Then I finally figured it out: people are not just driven by the fear of not having enough, but by the fear of not being enough.

Abundance is more of a function of your self-worth than your net-worth

I wanted to go beyond investment portfolios and get to the heart of what wealth meant to each person and how it impacted their lives. How could I help others make financial decisions to achieve their life goals? Then in 2010, I went through a divorce, and sure enough —my own questions came up.

“What matters to me? Why am I doing what I’m doing? Who am I and what do I really want?”

The real answers came once I looked within.

I sought training by wealth psychologists and other experts. I came up with a completely new approach, a set of practical tools that really worked. Even in the face of a divorce, this approach helped me get through some of the darkest days that I have ever faced personally, professionally, and financially.

Using 8 practical steps, I now have the freedom to live an authentic life, and I am so excited to share these skills with you.

The real answers came once I developed the tools to look within myself

I worked with different coaches and counselors to help find answers. I also enrolled in a Master’s program in holistic studies to fully understand the relationship between one’s mindset and one’s behaviors.

I became aware of my own self-limiting beliefs about abundance and discovered how to change my mindset and clarify my values and intentions. I obtained the clarity necessary to make conscious choices and create a life that I wanted, not one that others wanted.

Abundance to me is the freedom to live an authentic life.

Today I feel abundant because I’m living in alignment with my core values and my deepest desires. I feel more than just financial security, I feel conscious wealth in all areas of my life.

You can do it too. The process begins with moving from a place of fear to a place of joy, of knowing you have more than enough. And that you truly are enough. It’s easier than you think, and it will change your life.

Professional Bio

Juliana Park is an author, speaker, and conscious wealth champion. She has been advising wealthy families since 2002 and is currently Senior Vice President at a global financial institution. A Certified Financial Planner, Juliana holds an MBA from the Yale School of Management and MA in Integral Psychology from John F. Kennedy University. She serves on the Board of Directors for Save The Bay, Greater Good Science Center at University of California at Berkeley, and The Bentley School.

Prior to this career path, she was a management consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton. She also holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Cooper Union School of Art. She worked as a graphic designer and started a multimedia company.

Juliana won the Hay House Writer’s Workshop nonfiction contest in 2012. She contributes to The Huffington Post and has appeared in Dr. Oz The Good Life Magazine, Glamour magazine, and 7x7 (a San Francisco lifestyle magazine).

Juliana lives an abundant life in Oakland, California with her husband and three children.